Request for Prayer

During this campaign I have made a conscious decision to rely on prayer and the direction of the Lord.
At the end of The Campaign on November 6th I want to be able to look back and say this is what the Lord has done.
I need people to seriously pray for this camping.
I will not ask for money from political organizations or from big businesses. If we have the money to execute the campaign it will be because God motivated people to give.
God is clearly showed me that this is not going to be won by might nor by power but by his spirit. Everyone knows that campaigns need money to operate. But more than that we need the help of the Lord. I know enough about spiritual warfare to know that answers can be delayed. So I’m asking you to regularly mention the campaign, Pam and myself in your prayers.
I’m going to put a list of prayer concerns together and if you would like a copy of that please let me know and I’ll make sure that you get one. If God does lead you to give to the campaign I trust that you will be obedient to his Direction. However above all else I want to stay close to God and to be able to hear his voice and speak what he wants me to say when he wants me to say it. I
don’t know if there is anyone else in politics whose goal is nothing but to do the Lord’s will. But I assure you that is my highest goal.
I don’t need to take an opinion poll to know how I will vote on issues like abortion fiscal responsibility and right versus wrong. The Bible is full of examples of how to rule in a Godly manner. I’ve been studying the Bible all my life, and it is for such a time as this that I Endeavor to use it in the public sector.
Peace my friends.
Greg Malone